Email marketing is a great tool. If you’re on the Get Ahead mailing list, you’ll be used to receiving our monthly messages. But you might not know how much effort has gone into refining our emails over the years! We love our current structure, but we know it’s always good to be open to different ways of communicating.

In this blog, we share seven of our favourite ideas for email marketing.


When you’re building up to exhibiting at an expo, it’s easy to spend all your time planning your stand and designing a rock-solid lead generation form.  But promoting the expo in advance of the big day is important too, and plays a key part in increasing visitor numbers and helping you get the results you’re hoping for.


Regular followers of Get Ahead will know that we love an expo, and our regional directors have really enjoyed getting back out to promote the business. But did you know that we also support our clients before, during and after business expos? An expo is a big commitment, but with our help, clients can get more from the event and embrace all the opportunities it gives them.

Here’s how Get Ahead supports businesses at expos.


Promotions, competitions and giveaways can create a real buzz around your business expo stand, both in the real world and online. However, it’s important to put thought into your promo so it works for your business and isn’t just a gimmick.

In this blog, we look at how to plan promos and pass on some ideas that work too!


Attendance at business expos is a significant part of the role of a Get Ahead franchisee. Expos are a great way to attract new clients, and also to tap into the wealth of knowledge available at the event.

In this blog, we look at the benefits of business expos, and why they are important for Get Ahead’s regional directors.


As outsourcing experts and flexibility champions, the team at Get Ahead can see many reasons why delegating admin to a virtual PA (also known as a virtual assistant) is great for your business. It’s worth noting that we outsource our admin to our own remote team, doing just what we recommend to our clients and reaping the same benefits.

Here are the top reasons working with a VA is an efficient solution for your business.


All businesses need to bring out new products and services from time to time. They help keep the business fresh, and can help you attract new customers from different demographics. So our marketing experts have broken down the key steps towards a successful product launch.


Regular followers of Get Ahead’s updates may have noticed that we’ve been diversifying our content recently. The team has collaborated to write and design two e-books, while our founder, Rebecca Newenham, has written her own book on franchising and flexibility, called Virtually Yours.

We’ve created the books not only because we have information to share, but also to showcase the skills and experience of our copywriters and graphic designers. We’ve noticed that e-book experience is in increasing demand, as more clients decide to make their knowledge available to their own business family.


You’ve fulfilled your dream of working for yourself and being your own boss. This is great news – we’re thrilled for you! But we also know that working alone can be tough. This applies to people in many professions, but particularly business coaches and life coaches, who give so much support to others that they sometimes neglect their own businesses.

In this blog, we look at ways to make working for yourself as fruitful and efficient as your business deserves.

The advantages of working for yourself


Get Ahead has been supporting coaches for almost as long as we’ve been in business. Some of our most successful working relationships have been with life coaches, business coaches and personal branding experts.

In this blog, we look at why outsourcing is a great solution for coaches.

Why is Get Ahead a valuable resource for coaches?

Coaches, like other business owners, usually have a long to-do list. In addition to working with clients to help them find their strengths, we know that coaches also have to market their businesses, stay on top of invoicing, create resources, keep up with the filing and more.
