Outsourced assessment and testing
From typing speed tests to psychometric testing, there are lots of ways to assess candidates’ skills and abilities. Choose expert coordination to get the most from your recruitment assessment testing.
Assessment testing
Many jobs require specific skills and mindsets. It’s easy to see why more employers are choosing to set tests to measure candidates’ abilities. These tests can be as basic as typing and demonstrating knowledge of Word and Excel. And at the other extreme, you might use psychometric testing to examine a candidate’s personality and whether they could fit into your team and cope with the work.
Some employers like to consider aptitude testing, assessing whether a candidate can crunch numbers, analyse information and meet the technical demands of a job.
Our recruitment experts can help you find, adapt or create the right system of testing for your recruitment round. Listening to your needs and drawing on their own expertise, they can pinpoint what you need to test for and how best to do it. The results of the test will highlight the strongest candidates, helping you make the right business decision and recruit the right person.
All our recruitment experts have at least three years’ experience. Your local regional director will match you with the best expert for your needs, factoring in industry experience, skillset and personality.
All our services are completely flexible – you’re free to use as much or as little as you like. Combine outsourced assessment testing with other recruitment services, or even other back-office services – explore our site to see what else we offer.
If you think you could benefit from our outsourced assessment services, we’d love to hear from you. Complete our contact form or call our head office – we’ll connect you with your local regional director.