Copywriting services are a great solution for regular blogging. Outsource your blog and then turn your attention to your core business, secure in the knowledge there’ll be on-brand content ready to share on a regular basis.

However, just because a blog is published regularly, it doesn’t mean it has to follow the same structure every time. In this blog, we look at ideas for alternatives to the usual format. Read on for inspiration!

  1. Listicles

This amusing and oddly high-pitched word wasn’t in the dictionary ten years ago. But it is now. Listicles – lists that are articles – are increasing in popularity. They’re a great way to share information in bite-size chunks, and they’re easy to repurpose into social media posts. Use the listicle structure (like this!) to share top tips, pros and cons or new ideas.

  1. Quizzes

Everyone loves a quiz and the quiz structure works well in a blog too. Dynamic software is now available to gather and interpret answers (we’ve used this for our online quiz) but you can also create a basic quiz yourself. Write a multiple-choice quiz and ask readers to evaluate their own answers. If they scored mostly As, for example, it might mean they’re coping with their workload well. But mostly Bs would indicate that they need your help. Or something else! Tailor your quiz to your business and make sure one of the results is a clear call to action.

  1. Stories

Marketing folk are always talking about “storytelling” – why not use your blog to literally tell a story? Ask your copywriter to get creative and write a fantastic short story about your business. Invite your readers to peruse it on their tea break. Consider creating characters to represent your ideal customer, or use a setting that relates to what you offer. Have fun with it!

  1. Photo blogging

Depending on what your business does, making a picture-led blog might be the best way of showing potential customers what you offer. Consider a gallery format, with stunning photos of your team or products. Arrange the pictures so that they tell the story. This format is particularly good if you have before and after photos, or you’ve worked closely with a client to develop what they need. However, not all blog pages are set up for pictures so remember to check with your web designer before you get too enthusiastic!

  1. Video blogging

Another idea for a visual blog is to embed a video on your blog page and include the same information in written format underneath it. This means that you’ve catered to people who love video as well as connecting with people who prefer to read. The written text will also give you a chance to optimise the video for a search engine – always a good move.

Copywriting services from Get Ahead

We hope you like our five brilliant ideas to liven up your blog! If you need some blogging support, our experienced copywriters would love to help. As well as writing the copy, they can give guidance on titles, subjects and formats to get the best results for your business. Contact your local regional director to find out more.

Blog writing services help SEO in many ways. When you optimise your website for a search engine, you take steps to help the search engine find it. Adding blogs is one of those steps.

In this blog, we look at four ways in which writing and publishing regular blogs boosts your search engine rankings.  


You’ve fulfilled your dream of working for yourself and being your own boss. This is great news – we’re thrilled for you! But we also know that working alone can be tough. This applies to people in many professions, but particularly business coaches and life coaches, who give so much support to others that they sometimes neglect their own businesses.

In this blog, we look at ways to make working for yourself as fruitful and efficient as your business deserves.

The advantages of working for yourself


If you’re a business owner, you’ve probably been told that you should have a blog, or publish regular articles or news items. But what about the detail? What’s so great about blogging? And what part could blogging play in your marketing strategy?

It’s time to demystify blogging and answer the questions. Let’s explore the role blogging can play in getting new clients to notice your business…and then make it happen!


LinkedIn always goes a bit quiet over Christmas, with many of us closing for business until New Year. When we all reopened for business, however, Get Ahead hit the ground running and we were pleased to see our first posts of the year getting good traction. Our social media managers are always encouraging Get Ahead clients to be consistent in their posts and we’ve seen for ourselves that it works in practice. In this blog, we look at why it works and how to achieve it for your business.


Virtual assistants can provide invaluable services to businesses at the best of times, and especially so right now, when many people need extra support to keep their businesses running smoothly during lockdown. Remote, flexible working is the comfort zone of the virtual assistant, and that’s why we’re well placed to help you adapt to these extraordinary circumstances. Want to know more? Here are 5 key ways a virtual assistant can help you during lockdown.


A little while ago, we were invited to a celebration lunch with one of our clients. During the lunch, the company’s marketing manager told us she had been approached by the Sunday Telegraph who wanted to do a piece about them. The marketing manager was delighted that the VAs had created such a wealth of blogs and factsheets for her to draw on – all she had to do was copy and paste the right paragraphs and send them off to the journalist. We were delighted too – it’s this kind of repurposing that makes content marketing great value for money, as well as empowering our clients to take their own action.

Even if you haven’t been approached by a Sunday paper (!) it’s still a great idea to repurpose your blogs, factsheets, ebooks and social media posts.

Here are some of our favourite ideas:
