By Marie Peters, Regional Director for West Surrey

Get Ahead operates in ten locations around the country, each with its own regional director. The regional director is your central point of contact, connecting you with the right virtual assistants, managing their output and tailoring the package to meet your business needs.

This blog looks at the role of regional directors and their part in delivering the right support for your business.


A valuable lesson we are all learning from the coronavirus pandemic is the importance of business resilience. Get Ahead has helped countless businesses through these unprecedented times, providing outsourced admin and phone answering services, filling in while businesses adjust to the new normal.


Last year, Get Ahead founder Rebecca Newenham published her first book, Virtually Yours. It was an incredible learning experience, and having written it, Rebecca is seeing a variety of benefits that she hadn’t anticipated. Writing a business book has advantages for career development, marketing, networking and more. Here’s how Get Ahead benefited from publishing a business book:


Many of you will have noticed that there is quite a buzz around the new app, Clubhouse – the Get Ahead social media managers are already exploring the possibilities. But what is Clubhouse? What’s it for? Is it the kind of thing that will be useful for you and your business? Read on to find out more….


Strategic networking is an important part of the toolkit of our regional directors. Get Ahead is well established in its hometown of Guildford, and the first job our new franchisees face is to spread the word in whatever new locality we are expanding into, from Leeds, South Yorkshire and the Wirral to the branches in the Midlands and the Home Counties.

Here is how strategic networking works for Get Ahead – could it work for your business too?
