Outsource graphic design, copywriting or administration to help you prepare for your next business expo!

Business expos can be great opportunities to find new customers and build your network. But to maximise the return on your investment of time and money, it’s important to plan ahead. Getting all your materials ready well in advance, as well as keeping your business going while you’re out for a whole day, will make the expo into a calm, positive experience to really help your business grow.

Let’s take a closer look.

How far in advance of the expo do I need to start planning?

Start planning for the expo about two months in advance. Of course, it’s not an exact science, and the amount of planning you need depends on how experienced you are at business expos!

Two months before the expo

The first steps to take are to think about your stand and what promotional materials you will use. If this is an expo where you are likely to pick up a lot of business, it’s worth investing more in sharing the right messages and developing some really memorable promotions. On the other hand, if your business is just making a token appearance or you’ve received the stand for free, you might not feel inclined to invest as much time or money.

Once you’ve decided on your goals for the expo, it’s time to think about what you need to achieve them. For example, the trusty pop-up banner you’ve used for the last three years might need to be updated, or you might need fresh material to promote a new product or service.

Whether you have a specific idea of what you want, or just a very broad vision, a good graphic designer will bring it to life. Planning two months ahead should give you and your graphic designer time to come up with a successful design. Remember, while the actual design might not take long, there are other factors that can delay the process. For example, the designer might have other client work, and you will need to find time to review the draft designs and give feedback. 

One month before the expo

Now you’ve got your designs finalised, it’s time to send them to the printer to make into banners, leaflets, posters or whatever material you’ve decided to use at the expo.

Again, the printer can probably do the work in a lot less than a month, but it’s a good idea to have some time contingency. For example, while good printers will take work seriously and act with professionalism, problems can still arise. Slow couriers, supply chain problems, illness and emergencies can all get in the way of quick delivery of marketing collateral.

One month before the expo is also the right time to organise personnel to cover your stand. If you have a team, decide who is going to go to the expo (choose at least two people so you can cover breaks) and make sure it’s in the diary!

If you work alone, you might want to ask someone else from your business family to help you on your stand. If you’re already using a virtual expert from Get Ahead, they’d be happy to help! However, it’s important to fix it up in advance so they can plan their diary accordingly. 

Expo days can be long. If you need to arrange childcare, book it now.

Two weeks before the expo

Decide how you’re going to get to the venue. If you can pop your banner, freebies and your packed lunch (!) in your car and park at the conference centre, all is well. But if it’s a city centre location and parking is difficult, or you have a lot to take with you and will need to hire a van, make a plan now.  

One week before the expo

Get ready for your day out of the office. Tie up the loose ends, or delegate them to someone who isn’t going to the expo. Get Ahead’s virtual experts are here to help if you need us!

At home, fill up the freezer with easy, healthy meals. Expos can be very tiring – we’ve never had the energy to cook from scratch after an expo and we doubt you have either!

The day before the expo

Take everything you need for your stand and set it up. In our experience, it always takes longer than you think it will. Check the get-in time with the organisers and give yourself enough time to set your stand up properly – it will give you such a boost when you arrive in the morning!

The day of the expo

Enjoy yourself!

Outsource graphic design, administration and general support with Get Ahead

There are lots of ways Get Ahead can support you with your next expo. Many business owners decide to outsource graphic design, but there are lots of other solutions too. Talk to your regional director or download Getting the most from your Expo to find out more. 


The much-anticipated Employment Rights Bill 2024 is being described as a “once in a generation” shake-up, protecting all workers and establishing new norms. Looking ahead, ministers hope it will improve job security, enabling more people of working age to stay in employment and contribute to the UK’s economic growth.

The Bill sets out new maternity rights, as well as an increase in statutory sick pay. Other rights will be introduced, including the right of a worker to retaliate against unfair dismissal without having to wait for a certain time period to elapse. While these could mean increased employment costs and workplace adjustments for small businesses, the overall benefits of the Bill are significant and a welcome protection for workers at all levels.

To help your business navigate the new normal and meet the requirements of the updated employment law, Get Ahead are here to help. Here are four ways we help small businesses comply with the Employment Rights Bill 2024:

  1. Outsourced HR support

You want to do right by your employees but you need to know you’re operating within the new law too. Our HR experts will review your systems, contracts and employee handbooks to ensure they are up to date and compliant. Our team can also design and deliver training to update staff and supervisors, ensuring your team understands all the implications of the new Bill.

  • Payroll outsourcing services

The new Bill means changes to sick pay and maternity pay. If this also means changes for your payroll department, Get Ahead can help. Our payroll outsourcing services means we can set up new systems to incorporate the changes, ensuring your staff on sick leave and maternity leave receive the right pay at the right time.

  • Virtual PA services to streamline your systems

Over the years, our virtual PA services have helped countless clients to save money by streamlining systems and introducing efficiencies. Through chasing outstanding invoices, cancelling unused subscriptions, introducing quicker methods or reducing working hours, our VAs have made a massive difference to businesses of all sizes. Business efficiencies could free up the budget you need to cover the increases in sick pay and maternity pay outlined in the Employment Rights Bill 2024.

  • Your virtual team in an uncertain time

If you were on the point of recruiting but the new Bill has made you think twice, Get Ahead can help. Our expert team of remote workers can deliver back-office support while you test the water. And because you’re not locked into a long contract, you can hire your own permanent staff whenever you’re ready.

Flexible back-office support from Get Ahead

At Get Ahead, we know that businesses thrive on flexibility (that’s in the new Bill too!). That’s why all our services are fully flexible and we never tie clients into long contracts. In turn, this means your workplace changes could be sorted out quickly and efficiently – the new Bill doesn’t have to be an expensive, confusing headache at all. We can provide the short-term support to help you through the transition, freeing you up to do what you do best.

Explore our site to find out more, or contact your local regional director today.

Whether Christmas is your busiest or your quietest time of year, it’s always a break from the norm. Our virtual expert Pauline has put together a checklist to help you prepare your business for Christmas – we hope it helps with your forward planning.

Prepare to succeed

Pauline: In my experience of office administration, planning ahead before a break really takes the pressure off. You might dream of some half-days in December so you can do some Christmas shopping or bake some mince pies. But instead you find yourself staying late, trying to get all your office jobs done before you close for the Christmas fortnight. Christmas should be fun, not stressful, so remember to plan ahead so you don’t have to do everything at the last minute.

  1. Plan for your office closure

There are lots of office jobs you can automate or outsource while your office is closed. Set up your email automatic reply. You might also consider using a phone answering service to field your work calls while the office is closed, or while you’re face-to-face with your hospitality or retail customers.

If you have a physical office and no one will be in it during Christmas and New Year, remember to secure it before you lock it up for two weeks. Set the heating to a low temperature so you don’t waste energy but the pipes don’t freeze either! Set your security systems and agree who in your team will be “on call” in case of emergency.

  • Schedule your social media

Social media scheduling enables you to create content before you need it. Simply write your posts, add photos and set them to appear on your social channels at regular intervals over Christmas. This helps you maintain a consistent presence and continue to build brand awareness. Find out more about social media scheduling here.

  • Carry out your Christmas marketing

If you work in hospitality or retail, Christmas is probably your busiest time of year. Preparing your marketing and PR ahead of Christmas is a long game and you might have started as early as May. Even if you’re launching your campaign in the autumn, there is still time to make it effective. Find out more about our marketing support here.

  • Write your Christmas client email

The Christmas email to clients, thanking them for their support during the year, is not something to write in a hurry. These emails often take the form of a “review of the year” and you might need to gather data, ask your colleagues for photos or get permission to mention a certain client. But if you leave yourself enough time to write a really meaningful Christmas message, you might find it’s one of the most popular emails you send all year.

  • Organise your Christmas celebration

If you’re planning a big celebration or meal to thank your staff for their hard work during the year, book it as early as possible. Most party venues, hotels and restaurants start taking corporate bookings as early as July.

If you’ve left it too late (!) or don’t have the budget for something big, consider something low-key like a quiz night, winter walk or simply drinks and canapes in the office.

  • Order your Christmas cards

The view of Christmas cards has changed over the years I’ve been an administrator. Sending physical cards used to be standard practice, but with increased climate awareness and cost of postage, their role in business communication has changed.

If you like to send Christmas cards, get them designed as early as possible (and Get Ahead’s graphic designers would love to help!).

E-cards are increasing in popularity too – you can order them through dedicated websites or have one designed specifically for your business.

Remember, there is a middle road with Christmas cards. You don’t have to send them to everyone! Instead, you could think about which business relationships you want to cultivate and focus on sending cards to those specific contacts.

Virtual PA services from Get Ahead

Whatever support you need to prepare your business for Christmas, Get Ahead can help. Our experienced team provide virtual PA services, social media scheduling, phone answering and more. Contact your local regional director to find the best option for you.