If you sell products on Amazon, you’re probably aware that it’s a great opportunity but one that’s hard to stay on top of. Continual changes and paid advertising are just some of the challenges AMZ retailers face on a regular basis, all of which can eat into your time and profits. 

Fortunately, help is at hand. At Get Ahead, we understand the opportunities offered by Amazon, but also the challenges. We’re committed to supporting businesses of all sizes, helping them secure an efficient, affordable solution for their needs. That includes helping you sell products on Amazon! 

In this blog, our virtual expert Leo shares some of his insights as we look at ways to support you with your Amazon shop. 

Why do retailers ask for support with Amazon selling?

Leo: Most retailers want to sell through Amazon because it’s the largest online marketplace. It’s a no brainer! Unfortunately, the size of Amazon also creates problems. Sellers have to compete to have their products seen by shoppers, which involves including the right keywords in the right places and other strategies. Without proper attention, pay per click (PPC) advertising might not give value for money. In addition, account management can be really complex, especially as Amazon continually changes its rules and expectations. 

For many of the sellers I meet, these problems translate into neglected Amazon accounts and listings. Some retailers know they should be on Amazon but haven’t even been able to get started. Usually, retailers know they need to take action but ultimately it’s too daunting. And because of the time involved, taking action with their Amazon account doesn’t seem worthwhile. Instead, retailers are getting on with selling through easier channels.

I completely understand why retailers do this. But I also know that, by neglecting their Amazon accounts, they’re missing out on considerable sales. 

Sell products on Amazon with support from Get Ahead

Leo: I’ve been helping retailers get the most out of their Amazon accounts for a number of years. And now, a collaborative team made up of myself, Get Ahead regional directors and our retailer clients, Get Ahead has put together a package to simplify the Amazon process in an affordable way. We’ve also come up with optional extras so you can get exactly the right support for your needs. 

Our basic package has the following features:
  • Daily account monitoring      
  • Bid adjustments   
  • Brand registry support  
  • Budget adjustments      
  • Unlimited campaign launches   
  • Unlimited keyword research   
  • Unlimited ASIN research 
  • Stock management – weekly     
  • Account health compliance and support 
  • Keyword tracking  
  • Competitor analysis     
  • Reports analysis and implementation   
  • Email communication (up to 24 hours response time)    
  • 1x Monthly Loom video update – For Ads and Account Management
  • Listing optimisation    
  • Graphic design – product images, A+ content 
Retail clients also have the option to add on:
  • Monthly in-house visit
  • 1x weekly Loom video update  
  • 1x bi-weekly Loom video update  
  • 1x weekly video/telephone call
  • 1x bi-weekly video/telephone call
  • 1x monthly video/telephone call
  • Brand storefront 
  • Close communication (WhatsApp, Skype, Slack, etc)
  • Other support as required

Like all Get Ahead services, you can turn support on and off as you need to. However, I would recommend committing to the basic package for at least three months to give it the chance to take effect. 

Get in touch to find out more

If you know you need support to sell products on Amazon, you’re not alone. Fortunately, we can help. Explore our site to find out more about how we work, or contact your local regional director today for an informal chat.  

Email marketing is a valuable tool and one we should all make time for. Only when you take email seriously and interweave it with the rest of your marketing will you start to see the results you are looking for.

In this blog, we look at how you can fit email marketing into the rest of your marketing plan.


Email marketing doesn’t have to be a headache. With a good stock of content and the right software in place, you can deliver consistent, on-brand email marketing to boost your conversion rate.  

Here are some essential tools to underpin successful email marketing.

  1. Strong brand and tone of voice

With a strong brand behind you, you can feel confident that all your communications will be on-message. Knowing what you want to tell people helps you and your marketing team choose an effective approach and build confidence in your brand.

Tone of voice guidelines can help you keep your language consistent, help you create the right feel and communicate with the most likely prospects.

  1. Approved mailing list

Since GDPR guidelines came into force, businesses are no longer allowed to add people to mailing lists at random. This is a good thing, as you’re much more likely to convert someone who already cares about your business than someone you contact out of the blue.

To get the most from your mailing list, check that whatever tool you use to add people is effective. Make sure people understand what they’re signing up to – this will lower your unsubscriber numbers and could improve your interactions too.

There are a number of ways of attracting new subscribers to your mailing list. A pop-up on your website or a special offer customers can unlock by signing up are both very effective. The most important thing to remember is your customer or client profile – that way, you can create a sign-up that is likely to capture the right kind of people.

If you have an old list, it’s worth checking that it’s GDPR compliant. A complaint or a high deletion rate could damage the effectiveness of your email marketing campaign.

  1. The right email marketing software

Sending individual emails is delightfully personal but not practical for an email marketing campaign. Depending on the size of your mailing list, your everyday email platform (e.g. Outlook) might have the capacity to send mass emails. However, most businesses with regular email campaigns invest in purpose-built software like Mailchimp or HubSpot. If these big names don’t meet your requirements, there are many alternatives with a variety of pricing structures. It’s worth doing some research – our expert email marketers here at Get Ahead can help you find the right product for your needs.

  1. Really good content

It can be hard to think of fresh email content every week, month or however often your newsletter goes out. But if you harness the power of your existing content, you might find the whole process easier! We love repurposing our blogs in our monthly newsletters – sign up and you’ll probably see this one soon. Photo galleries and videos also work well. Repurposing content means value for money and also helps your messages to stay consistent. Remember to keep your customer or client at the heart of your campaign and share the content they’ll want to see.  

Outsource your email marketing

Our team of email marketing experts and content creators would love to help you with your next email marketing campaign. Get in touch with your local regional director today, or explore our site to find out more.

Email marketing is a great tool. If you’re on the Get Ahead mailing list, you’ll be used to receiving our monthly messages. But you might not know how much effort has gone into refining our emails over the years! We love our current structure, but we know it’s always good to be open to different ways of communicating.

In this blog, we share seven of our favourite ideas for email marketing.


You’ve fulfilled your dream of working for yourself and being your own boss. This is great news – we’re thrilled for you! But we also know that working alone can be tough. This applies to people in many professions, but particularly business coaches and life coaches, who give so much support to others that they sometimes neglect their own businesses.

In this blog, we look at ways to make working for yourself as fruitful and efficient as your business deserves.

The advantages of working for yourself


LinkedIn always goes a bit quiet over Christmas, with many of us closing for business until New Year. When we all reopened for business, however, Get Ahead hit the ground running and we were pleased to see our first posts of the year getting good traction. Our social media managers are always encouraging Get Ahead clients to be consistent in their posts and we’ve seen for ourselves that it works in practice. In this blog, we look at why it works and how to achieve it for your business.


Email marketing is a valuable tool for any business, large or small. Studies show it’s one of the top ways of driving conversions, as well as being a great means of building your brand. Let’s take a closer look at why email marketing is so effective for businesses…


Virtual assistants can provide invaluable services to businesses at the best of times, and especially so right now, when many people need extra support to keep their businesses running smoothly during lockdown. Remote, flexible working is the comfort zone of the virtual assistant, and that’s why we’re well placed to help you adapt to these extraordinary circumstances. Want to know more? Here are 5 key ways a virtual assistant can help you during lockdown.


Get Ahead VA offers a wide range of business and marketing services. In our Service Spotlight, we take a closer look at one of these, and show you how our virtual assistants can help you and your business. This month we’re looking at email marketing.

What is email marketing?

Email marketing is the use of emails to promote products and services to, or to build a relationship with, current or potential customers. Email marketing has lots of advantages over traditional direct-mail marketing: it’s cheaper, you can reach a wider audience, and you can more easily track data to help you refine you marketing efforts. Email marketing is one of the most powerful online marketing techniques out there – according to some research, every £1 spent on email marketing can provide an average return of £38.
