April is Stress Awareness month which has been held every April since 1992.  The American-led initiative is designed to increase public awareness about both the causes and cures for our modern stress epidemic.

Many of our clients are all too familiar with stress.  Managing your own business can be hugely empowering but it can also lead to significant levels of stress.  Everything falls directly on your shoulders.  You must be sales person, accountant, marketer, inventor, customer service, production – everything at once.  Your personal wealth and wellbeing rests directly with you and if you employ others theirs does too.  Salaries and bills must be paid out every month – regardless of what income has come in.

Here are our top tips for managing stress and restoring a healthy balance at work and home: (more…)

Whether you are looking to start your own business, or expand into new markets, sources of finance are a subject never far from a business owner’s mind.  Though start-up costs vary by industry, all businesses need some funding to get them started and that requirement for funding can continue as the business grows and new opportunities are unlocked.

For many people branching out on their own, personal savings or redundancy payments can be the first port of call for business funding.  Bank and personal loans are also options, as well as government grants and even crowdfunding.  Here is our guide to some of the top sources of funding for your business: (more…)