What are the best ways to retain employees?

With a number of businesses struggling to recruit the right new staff, many business owners are looking to improve their employee retention strategies instead. Of course, we all know the basic tenets of respect, recognise and reward, but putting them into practice in an effective way can be more challenging.

In this blog, we talk to our business operations manager Debra, who manages our large team of virtual experts while also delivering outstanding admin support for Get Ahead clients. Debra herself has been with us for nearly ten years, giving her plenty of time to reflect on why she’s chosen to stay with Get Ahead.

Why is “respect, recognise, reward” not enough on its own?

Debra: The three R’s are a great starting point. But it’s also important that they’re not just a token effort. Instead, it’s important to think about what they mean for your specific business and the people you work with. Respect might include backing up your employees when they’ve done the right thing, even if the client doesn’t see it that way. Employee of the month can be a great recognition scheme, but sometimes a quiet “thank you” is more appropriate.  Maybe you can’t afford to give the financial bonuses you’d like to, but it’s still important that your reward scheme resonates with your team.

How do I find the right employee retention strategy for my business?

Debra: A lot of this depends on your ideal workforce, the type of people they are and what their values are. For example, if you have a creative business where you employ lots of young people who are great at generating fresh ideas, you should acknowledge that they might have different values from older team members. Millennials might want to stay with your business because they admire its ethics and feel that it’s the best place for them to “be the change they want to see.” On the other hand, a team at a later stage of life might have financial commitments like mortgages or university fees. They might value job security more than your business’ journey to B Corp status.

Finding the right retention strategy can be tricky, but Get Ahead’s HR consultants can advise on how to take the general principles and make them specific to your business.

What do you think has made you stay at Get Ahead for this long?!

Debra: It goes without saying that I enjoy it here, I get on well with Rebecca Newenham and I love working with the wider team too. But on a practical level, I’ve found the flexibility perfect for my changing needs. I had a young family when I started working for Get Ahead, but the flexible working practices here mean that I could always be at school for sports day or at home if my family needed me. As family life and other commitments change, I’ve been able to take on more responsibility here, like managing the new content on the website. I didn’t have to stick with the same role as my capacity increased. And when I go on holiday, there’s always someone to cover my role so I don’t come back to a nightmare inbox!

I believe that this is a great example of a business knowing exactly what sort of person they want to work for them, and creating a role where that person wants to stay. A strong Get Ahead team member has to be someone who is naturally flexible, because the client work is so varied. To attract a team who thrive on flexibility, Get Ahead has to offer flexibility within its own culture too.

Develop the right employee retention strategy with Get Ahead

If Debra’s insights have made you take a second look at your HR practices, Get Ahead are here to support you. We can advise every stage of HR, from initial recruitment to rewards schemes that make your unique team want to stay. Explore our HR pages to find out more, or follow us on LinkedIn to become part of our online community.

If you’re full of plans but think you might struggle to execute your business idea, don’t worry – Get Ahead are here to help!

Christmas is a great time to reflect on the year just gone, and identify profitable areas for the year ahead. If you spent Christmas dinner bending your family’s ears about your new business plan, your new year’s resolution is probably to put it into practice.

In this blog, we look at why it’s great to have new ideas and how to get the right support to put them into practice.

New business ideas are great!

The Get Ahead team are always meeting entrepreneurs and start-ups. We’ve heard some fantastic ideas and we love the enthusiasm of entrepreneurs when they describe their plans.

Without new ideas, the world would grind to a halt. From the wheel to the internet, new ideas have continued to drive civilisation forward, creating new opportunities and new approaches to business and everyday life.

That’s why you should never stop having ideas. Even if you know your limitations, or you know what barriers stand between you and how to execute your business idea, don’t worry. There are loads of resources out there to help you fill in the gaps and realise your dream.  

Barriers to putting your business idea into practice

You probably already know that nothing worth having comes easy. There might well be barriers between you and a successful business idea. For example, you might have had a cool idea but you’ve never run a business before. Or you might be so fizzing with enthusiasm that you’re struggling to focus on writing a business plan to secure the right start-up funding.

Alternatively, you might know your own field very well, but feel less confident about the other aspects of a delivering a project.

Some people are starters and some people are finishers. The starters are often bubbling with ideas, while the finishers are focused and methodical. The business world needs both types of people, and they have to be prepared to help each other.

How do you get over these barriers? Well, we’d suggest taking some time to be brutally honest with yourself. Accept that your business idea will need some hard work as well as enthusiasm. Identify what skills you already have available to you and be prepared to recruit or outsource the other areas.

Plug your skills gap and execute your business idea

If you’re a starter, you probably need some finishers around you to help you make your business ideas reality. Your best mate might be really supportive, but if they’re too similar to you, they might not help you move your project forward. Sometimes it’s better to choose people who are focused on the bottom line, who are not emotionally involved with the plan and simply want it to work for the sake of business success.

Practical support for start-ups

If you need practical support for your start-up, Get Ahead can help. Our team are all experts in their fields, including finance, marketing, admin, and social media. We can put sustainable systems in place, like setting up customer relationship management software and creating spreadsheets for you to populate.

We insist that every team member has at least three years’ experience in their field before they join Get Ahead. Many have more than three years! This means that if you get your business support from us, you’ll be working with someone who has not only built up experience in their particular skill, but also has wider business experience to share.

If you’re starting a business this January, Get Ahead could be the support you’re looking for. We strive to bring maturity, experience and perspective to every project, filling in the skills gaps and to help you execute your business idea.

To see how this works in practice, learn how we filled in the gaps for a team of cutting-edge software developers who needed help to market their latest product. Read our case study here.   

How to solve staffing issues is not the first question you want to be asking when you reopen after Christmas. Unfortunately, it often is. Christmas gives many people time to think and re-evaluate, with the result that January is often a key time for employees to give notice and start looking for other jobs.

If you’ve been thrown into a staffing crisis because a key team member has decided to move on, you’re not alone. In this blog, we talk to virtual expert Louisa about the problem and consider different ways to solve staffing issues.

Why is January a key month in staff turnover?

Louisa: I like to use my Christmas break to reflect on the past year and make resolutions for the next year. Lots of working people do, and it’s an important time in goal setting. Unfortunately for employers, it can also lead to employees deciding to take a different direction, leaving your business with a skills gap.

How can we solve staffing issues in January?

Louisa: It’s always a shame to say goodbye to someone with skills and experience that have benefited your business – fortunately, there are a number of solutions available. Above all, stay positive – remember that someone leaving always creates opportunities. For example, filling the skills gap could mean a promotion for the right team member. You could also change a process or introduce an efficiency.

When I encounter businesses with a skills gap, I usually suggest the following solutions:

Training and promotion

Depending on your business and your team, training up another member of staff could fill the gap. This can be a cost-effective solution, as well as creating an opportunity for an established member of staff to develop their skills. Opportunities like this can make your staff members feel valued and could help minimise future staff turnover.

On the other hand, if your existing team are already at capacity, you will have to bring in outside help.  


With an obvious gap in your team, you could also recruit a new member of staff. This is a good solution if you’re confident that the role you’re recruiting for is very similar to that held by your outgoing team member. It’s also good if your business is secure and you’re confident you will have the budget to cover the role.

The downside of recruitment is that there are costs associated with advertising the role, as well as time lost from core business while you follow the recruitment process. It’s also important to remember that your new recruit won’t necessarily be able to bring value to the business straightaway. They might need to learn the ropes before you’ll see a return on your recruitment investment.


Outsourcing is when you pay an outside person or organisation to provide a particular skill or service. It’s a great solution if you have a short-term skills gap…or if you don’t know how long you’ll have the skills gap for. Unlike using a temp, outsourcing is completely flexible and you only pay for completed work. For example, if you outsource the outgoing team member’s responsibilities and then find that some of them are no longer relevant, you can simply turn off that part of the service.

If you outsource to an agency like Get Ahead, your local regional director will hand pick a team of experts to cover all the support you need. This means that you could spread one person’s hours across three people, and get an exceptional standard of work from each one. And if your virtual support shows you a more efficient way of doing something, you are welcome to adopt it – this could change the whole outlook of your business.

Whenever I’m asked to slot into a new business at short notice, I’ve learned to quickly pick up on the culture as well as delivering the best work I can. This means – like all Get Ahead’s virtual experts -I can hit the ground running when I start working for a new client.

Best of all, there’s no long contract, so if you unexpectedly fill your skills gap with a permanent staff member, you can simply switch off the outsourced work while keeping within your staffing budget.

Outsource support to Get Ahead

If you think Get Ahead could be the solution to your skills gap, we’d love to help! Get in touch today or explore our site to find out more. You can also find us on LinkedIn where we share loads of news and tips for business owners.




How do you say thank you to staff at Christmas? And with all the restaurants taking Christmas bookings since the summer, what do you do if you’ve left it too late to fix a party?

If you’re stuck for ways to show your team some appreciation this Christmas, or you need some last-minute ideas, help is at hand. We caught up with business development manager Melanie who shared her top ideas for team bonding, seeing your staff as real people and generally having fun at Christmastime. 

Melanie: Showing your employees that you care goes a very long way. It’s a great way to build staff loyalty which can increase productivity and staff retention. What you do doesn’t have to be expensive as long as your team can see that you’re sincere. 

In my work as a business development manager, I’ve seen how breaking down barriers and meeting staff on a non-work level can really help a business. When there’s a staff party – even something as simple as playing board games together – job titles disappear and you’re all just people together. This is how to really start getting to know your team, understanding what pressures they’re under outside of work, and learning what’s really important to them too. 

Once you’re on the road to getting to know your staff on a more personal level, you’ll probably find management easier. Flexing round someone who is balancing paid work with being a carer, for example, is much more likely to bring out their best side. You can keep all their drive and talent within your own organisation, while supporting them in their personal life too. 

Melanie: There are lots of ways to thank your staff! 

  1. Say thank you. 

It’s simple and it works. Write it in a card or say it out loud, but make a point of it – it goes a long way. 

  • Plan a celebration

Even if you’ve left it too late to book a party, escape room or cocktail class, you can still get together with your staff. If you have a business premises, hold your party there. Prosecco and crisps go a long way, and there’s nothing to stop you laying on more of a spread if your budget will allow. Remember to provide something festive and alcohol-free for any colleagues who aren’t drinking. 

You know your team. If you think a structured activity could help break the ice, a quiz or a games night is cheap and easy to organise. And if you’re an outdoorsy lot, go on a walk together – you could even “give something back” and do a litter pick at the same time. 

  • Volunteer together

Christmas is a busy time for loads of charities – why not check out corporate volunteering opportunities near you? Volunteering is a great way to bond as a team and have a laugh, helping your community at the same time. 

  • Support a new cause

Show your support for the causes or events that your employees take part in at Christmas. This can be a great way to show you value what your employees do outside of work, as well as supporting a new charity or organisation.  For example, one of our team sings with the Lloyds Choir and we’re all going along to their Christmas carol concert – really looking forward to it! 

Whatever you plan for your staff at Christmas, think about who they are and what they’d enjoy. Personalising your thanks makes it much more meaningful. In turn, this can make it go further and help you bring out the best in your employees. 

We’ve put together loads of Christmas resources to help business owners during this busy time! If you found this blog useful, check out these ones too:

Take a break from work over Christmas

Connect with your business family

Top tips for using social media over Christmas

Christmas cheats for business owners

It’s nearly time to get your business ready for Christmas. From essential health and safety to sharing the festive spirit, there’s always a lot to do. So here’s a little pre-Christmas present from Get Ahead – our Christmas checklist for business owners. 

If you have a business premises like a shop, factory or office, it’s important that it remains safe and secure when you’re closed. Christmas falls on a Monday in 2023, so you might be closed for four days or more. 

Remember to turn off the regular lights and turn on the security lights. Set the heating so it kicks in if temperatures drop – you don’t want to come back to frozen or leaking pipes. 

Depending on your business and what you offer, you or a team member might be “on call” over the Christmas break. Make sure the right people know who this is. If necessary, include the on-call person’s phone number on your emergency plan, answerphone message or email auto-reply. 

Get Ahead has a range of office services to keep your business ticking along when you’re closed. We provide inbox monitoring so the important messages don’t get lost in the sea of junk mail. And our phone answering service means there’s always a professional response to any inquiries that come in over Christmas.  

Holiday and Christmas cover from Get Ahead can be set up in as little as one day – please get in touch if you’d benefit from our support! 

If you’re closing over Christmas, it’s a good idea to let your community know via a message on your website. This should help you take the break you deserve over Christmas, as well as being good customer service. 

Your business would be nothing without your customers and clients. Take some time this December to thank your business community for their support over the past year, and wish them a very merry Christmas!  

If you’re lucky enough to not have to check emails over the Christmas break, remember to set up an auto-reply to let your clients, customers and business family know. Get Ahead are great advocates of taking time off, so if you’re able to take a Christmas break, make it a complete switch-off.

Word your out-of-office carefully. Don’t promise to reply if you don’t intend to. We’ve noticed that the number of Get Ahead clients taking a complete break over Christmas has increased every year. So please don’t feel guilty for taking time off – lots of others are too! 

If you do need to leave an emergency phone number (see above), be clear that it’s for emergencies only. 

If you’re closing for ten days over Christmas and New Year, please, please take the milk home when you lock up. Throw out anything that’s not going to survive the Christmas shut down and enjoy (literally) a fresh start to the New Year! 

Get your business ready for Christmas with support from Get Ahead

If you have outstanding work you need to finish before Christmas, Get Ahead are here to help. We can cover your back-office responsibilities so you can get on with your core business, tying up loose ends before you take a complete break. Explore our site to find out more, or contact your local regional director today. 

Many business owners experience barriers to delegation – potentially disastrous as your business cannot grow without it. Sometimes there is a deep-seated reason why you can’t ask for help; for others, it just hasn’t occurred to them! 

In this blog, we look at common reasons business owners struggle with delegating, and consider the ways you could overcome them.

Common barriers to delegation

1. Imposter syndrome

When we experience imposter syndrome, we believe that we’re an imposter in our sector. We feel like we shouldn’t be in the role of a business owner, or we don’t feel like we’re qualified to work in that industry. Imposter syndrome – unlike actual fraud – is when we have all the qualifications and experience to do our jobs, but we still feel like we shouldn’t be there.

Imposter syndrome is a barrier to delegation because if we don’t feel entitled to do our jobs, how on earth can we take the lead when we ask someone else to do it? And how can we give feedback with confidence? 

Sometimes, all we need to overcome imposter syndrome is a quick reality check. Look back at your qualifications, if you have them. And if you’re a graduate of the University of Life, spend time remembering how you learned all the skills that got you where you are today. 

If your imposter syndrome is more serious than that, it could be helpful to talk to a life- or business-coach. We have quite a few in our business family – talk to your local regional director if you would like an introduction. 

2. “It’s quicker to do it myself than show someone else.”

We’ve all said this at some point! But the truth is, showing someone else is a long-term investment in your business. Certainly, the first time you do it, briefing your staff member or outsourced support will take time. However, once that initial briefing is out of the way, your business now has two people who know how to do it, instead of just one. This means one less thing on your to-do list; it also gives the business flexibility as either one of you can take responsibility for it in future. 

Accepting that you will “lose” an hour while you brief someone else on how to do it is easier when you also see the long-term advantages you’ll gain in return. 

3. Micromanagement 

Micromanagement is often a symptom of a lack of trust. If you don’t trust your staff or external support team, ask yourself why not. If their work is rubbish, stop micromanaging and hire someone else! And if the problem is with you, take action. Remind yourself that your team doesn’t want to do a bad job – they’re on career paths too.  

Overcome barriers to delegation when you outsource to Get Ahead

If you’re struggling to ask for help, Get Ahead could be a good way to start. You’ll have a single point of contact in the form of your local regional director – they’ll be able to introduce you to the right expert who knows your industry and also has the right personality. 

Often, they’ll encourage you to start small, perhaps with some outsourced diary management. If that goes well, you have the option to increase the amount of support you receive. You’ll never be locked into a long contract, and there’s always the option to add or subtract services as your needs change. We hope it will all go well, but if anything doesn’t make the grade, you can discuss it with your regional director. This means you don’t have to give feedback directly to your virtual expert if you don’t feel comfortable.

If you’re ready for Get Ahead to support you, get in touch today – we’d love to hear from you! And if you’d like more information on how to outsource successfully, download our ebook here.

As you prepare your business for Q1, you’ve probably made some key decisions that will affect the whole organisation. For your business to carry these out and achieve the goals you’ve set, it is essential that you take your employees with you. When employees are fully engaged with the goal setting process and understand the direction the business is going, they are more likely to deliver the work you need.

In this blog, we look at ways you might engage staff and communicate your new goals to ensure your employees support your business direction.


If you’ve decided to buy a franchise instead of running your own business, this might be because you’d like to be part of a team. One of Get Ahead’s great strengths is our team of regional directors, who in turn are supported by a UK-wide team of virtual experts.

In this blog, we take a look at what teamwork means at Get Ahead and how it benefits our franchisees.


Since our foundation in 2010, Get Ahead have been champions of flexible working. We’ve seen it can not only yield great results for businesses but also allow skilled workers to further their careers. But for this to work, we need to understand that there’s more to workplace flexibility than job shares and part-time hours.

In this blog, we look at what workplace flexibility really means and why it’s an essential feature of a modern workplace.


Get Ahead exists to provide back-office support for busy businesses. Since our foundation in 2010, we’ve supported a wide variety of businesses, including web and digital agencies. As an agency ourselves, we understand the importance of a consistent culture throughout the organisation, even when the work is delivered remotely.

In this blog, we look at what kind of work digital agencies might choose to outsource and how it could benefit the business as a whole.
