Outsource your internal communications strategy
As you prepare your business for Q1, you’ve probably made some key decisions that will affect the whole organisation. For your business to carry these out and achieve the goals you’ve set, it is essential that you take your employees with you. When employees are fully engaged with the goal setting process and understand the direction the business is going, they are more likely to deliver the work you need.
In this blog, we look at ways you might engage staff and communicate your new goals to ensure your employees support your business direction.
- Consultation
If you’re planning to involve your employees in the decision-making process, it’s a good idea to conduct a formal consultation. Remember that if you decide to take this route, it needs to be a genuine consultation and you should be prepared to follow through on your employees’ views.
However, not every decision is a matter for consultation. If you’re making a decision for financial reasons, for example, you might not be able to accommodate views from employees.
- Meetings, conferences and presentations
Once you’ve made a clear decision about your future direction, whether through consultation or a top-down process, it’s time to tell your employees.
Depending on how and where you work, you might choose to have an in-person meeting or an online meeting using Zoom or Teams. The usual process is to create a presentation explaining how the decision has been made and what the advantages are for both the business and the employees. If there are downsides, it’s a good idea to be honest about them, and explain what you have in place to minimise the problems.
If you have developed a strategic goal, you will need different teams around your organisation to contribute. Make this strategic goal clear so that everyone understands the bigger picture. It will give them perspective and make them feel part of a much wider team.
- Newsletters and intranets
Once you’ve shared your strategic goals and decisions, it’s important to keep the communication open so staff continue to feel involved. Regular newsletters can be effective, as can communication over an intranet specific to your business. Internal communication tools are also a good way to update your employees on progress and help them to see the difference they are making.
Written communication is also a great way for employees to encounter a range of business leaders. Why not invite contributions from different areas, like HR, finance and marketing to help your staff understand the business as a whole? They could write the newsletter, or contribute a blog to your internal website or intranet.
Outsourced support for internal communications
Get Ahead love supporting larger businesses and organisations with internal communications. Our HR experts can support you with consultations and decisions that affect personnel. We also offer Zoom facilitation services which can make a real difference if you need to present your decisions to your whole organisation at once. Our content experts can create newsletters and share them through specific communication platforms like Mailchimp. And our web designers can develop your intranet, tailoring it to your organisation so everyone can find the information they need.
To find out more, contact your local regional director here – we’d love to hear from you.