You’ve been running your business for a while and it’s going well. Now it’s time to scale up and take your business to the next level. But to do that successfully, it’s important that you have the right skills at your disposal.

In this blog, we look at how to do a skills gap analysis so you can meet your business needs.


When you first started your business, you probably managed very well with basic Excel spreadsheets and even pen and paper for keeping records and planning ahead. But as your business grows, you may benefit from dedicated software, developed with businesses like yours in mind.

In this blog, we look at the importance of having the right software when you’re scaling up your business, and consider some areas you could automate to make your business run more efficiently.


At Get Ahead, we love business exhibitions. We love the energy in the room and we love meeting people. It’s exciting to learn about the latest industry trends, and some of our most productive relationships have been started at expos.

However, expos are not for everyone. They are great marketing tools, but they are not a magic spell to double your business or become the market leader. You might get a lot out of attending an expo, or you might not. In this blog, we look at what to consider before you sign up.


As outsourcing experts and flexibility champions, the team at Get Ahead can see many reasons why delegating admin to a virtual PA (also known as a virtual assistant) is great for your business. It’s worth noting that we outsource our admin to our own remote team, doing just what we recommend to our clients and reaping the same benefits.

Here are the top reasons working with a VA is an efficient solution for your business.


One of the headaches of running your own business is staying on top of the admin. However, it’s not as big as the headache you find yourself with when you can’t find a vital file or you’re late with your tax return. Admin may not feel as important as your core business, but it still has to be done.

Here are our five top tips for staying on top of business admin:


Spring is sprung! Just seeing the daffodils come up makes us all feel better, even if the clouds can’t decide whether to come or go. If you run a business, why not tap into the energy of springtime and shake up your social media?

Our social media managers shared five of their favourite ideas:


There’s nothing quite like a good clear out. When we’ve tidied our files and done some general business housekeeping, we all feel better and work more efficiently. We can easily find what we need – every computer file is in the right folder and all the pens in the pen pot work!

Spring cleaning is easier if we break it down into manageable chunks. Here are five separate areas to approach when we’re spring cleaning our businesses:


Climate change impacts all of us, and we all share the responsibility for slowing it down. Operating individually, we can easily feel overwhelmed – how will a fabric-wrapped shampoo bar make any difference to such a huge problem? Fortunately, as business owners, we have more power. When we adopt sustainable practices on a business-wide scale, we can set an example to others and have a wider positive impact.  

Here are five ideas to help businesses lower their carbon footprints and operate more sustainably.


This autumn, Get Ahead has introduced a new range of social media packages to make it easier for busy business owners to access our services and get the right support. However, Get Ahead’s main focus is always on our clients: we want to provide you with the right services for your individual needs. In other words, you might benefit from one of our packages…or you might need a flexible service designed around your specific needs.

In this blog, we compare packages and flexible services and consider what sort of business they suit best.


Events of 2020 saw many of us working from home, with figures backed up by a recent survey from the ONS. Once the initial joy at the reduced cost of commuting had passed, many realised that the money they saved on travel cards was being spent instead on their fuel bills.
