Put the fireworks back into your business
Has your business got stuck in a rut? Do you find yourself bored by things that used to excite you? Don’t worry – after the first exciting flush of starting a new business, it’s normal for things to start to feel stale, but that doesn’t mean it’s time to give up. This is the perfect time of year to put the fireworks back into your business so you can feel the passion again in 2020, and we have some tips to help you do just that!
1. Go back to the start
You started this business for a reason, so if you’re feeling stuck, it’s time to remind yourself why you’re doing this at all. It can be easier to get a handle on your feelings when they’re set out in black and white, so write down your reasons for starting the business and how you felt about it right at the beginning – the act of writing should help you to reconnect with the enthusiasm you’ve lost, and hopefully help you to feel it again.
2. Pinpoint the problem
Next, take some time to consider where you and your business are now. Are you feeling bored because you’ve drifted from your original purpose? Then it’s time to make a plan to get yourself back on track. Have you gotten bogged down in the day-to-day running of things? Then it’s a good idea to bring in some help – a virtual assistant can take all those necessary but routine jobs off your hands, and leave you to focus on the parts of your business that truly ignite your interest.
3. Allow yourself to dream
By starting a business you’ve already done something amazing – something that many people only dream of doing. So what’s to stop you from dreaming even bigger? Think about the things that excite you now, the wildest hopes you have for your business, the projects that really get your heart racing. Now try to break each one down into smaller, more manageable steps – you might find that those wild dreams are actually achievable after all.
4. Talk to passionate people
You don’t have to regenerate your enthusiasm for your business all by yourself. Use your existing contacts, social media and networking events to find people in your field who are excited about what they do, and talk to them about what makes them love their work. Positivity can be infectious, so if you surround yourself with it, you will soon start to feel it again yourself.
All businesses go through ups and downs – and on the other side of this dip, things can certainly start to look up again!
If you’re feeling stuck in a rut with your business, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Get Ahead VA offers professional business and marketing services for business owners, which can free up your time to focus on why you started your business in the first place. To find out exactly how we can help, please give Get Ahead VA a call on 01483 332220 or email us at office@getaheadva.com. We pride ourselves on being the staff you don’t see, but the difference you do.