2022 – is it time your career changed direction?
For many of us, Christmas is time to take a break and be with those we love best. But it’s also time to re-evaluate. If you’re dreading going back to work this month, it could be that your current role is not fulfilling you, or not meeting your reasons for choosing it.
In this blog, we look at the importance of reviewing what we want to get from our jobs, and how we might achieve it.
Review your career – it’s time to take stock
Consciously or unconsciously, many of us use the Christmas break to take stock of our lives. We note successes and failures. Often we think about what changes we would like to make, like moving to a different area, going travelling or settling down. Many of us also think about our careers and which direction we’d like to take next.
It’s a good idea to consider why you chose the life and career you have at the moment, and measure your year against those choices.
For example, you might have chosen to run your own business because you wanted the flexibility to be with your family. Only working alone means you’re tied up doing all the office jobs yourself, so now you’re seeing less of your family than you did before.
Alternatively, you might have taken a leadership role because you wanted to broaden your responsibilities. But having started, you might find that there are few opportunities to act executively, leaving you with no power and a lot of frustration.
If 2021 has made you ask questions about your life and your career, remember that you have the power to change things for the better. Your position will be unique to you, but the right solution is out there.
Finding the right solution
Sometimes, we can solve the problem of being dissatisfied with work simply by having a conversation. A good boss doesn’t want you to be unhappy; they want you to be positive and motivated so you can help the business make money. Talk to them and find out if there are any changes either of you could make for the better.
If you’ve already chosen self-employment, you might find working alone is easier if you outsourced your least favourite back-office jobs. (The Get Ahead team can help!)
Franchising is a third option, which could help you find more job satisfaction than your current role does.
The advantages of buying a franchise
We believe that buying a Get Ahead franchise is a great solution to many problems people find in conventional working practices.
When you join our growing team, you get to work for yourself but not by yourself. This means that you have all of the autonomy of running your own business, but with a strong team to go to for support. The franchisees are a supportive group of experienced business managers. Each one is in a different geographical area, so they can share views and advice without competing. Get Ahead’s centralised marketing means that our franchisees have lots of ready-made content to draw on, and regular training ensures that everyone has up-to-date skills and follows best practice.
When you start, you can use our established, nationwide team of virtual experts to deliver business support for your clients. But over time, you’ll build your own team, fulfilling your leadership goals and empowering you to make your own decisions.
Above all, Get Ahead really does offer flexibility. Because so many of our resources are available centrally, you needn’t spend ages on marketing or research. Instead, you are free to spend your time connecting with potential clients, managing your client/VA relationships and growing your business. You can work as many hours as you like, and use the rest to get your life and work back into balance.
Become Get Ahead’s next franchisee
If your current role isn’t giving you what you hoped it would, becoming a Get Ahead franchisee might. We want you to make the right decision, so please take some time to explore our franchise website. If you have any questions, please get in touch on 01483 332 220 – we’d love to hear from you.