Five social media mistakes you’re probably making
If you follow Get Ahead on social media, you’ll know how much we love it – LinkedIn in particular is an important way we network with clients. Social media has something for everyone – it can be as pre-planned or spontaneous as you need it to be, and plays a big part in many marketing strategies. However, it’s vital to put some thought into the way you use social media in order to interact with your customers and drive conversions.
Here are some of the mistakes our social media managers have spotted small businesses making recently:
1. Inconsistency
When we find a new business connection, we often check out their social media to find out more. All too frequently, the account has seen no activity at all for months. In the internet world, it’s often easier to update our social media than our websites, so an abandoned account can make it look like your business has ground to a halt.
Solution: schedule the highest quality, evergreen content you can – it will fill in the gaps when you’re too busy to post.
2. Too many channels
There are lots of different social media platforms available, but that doesn’t mean you should use every single one for your business. No one will think ill of you for not being on Instagram if your business isn’t photogenic; however they might raise an eyebrow at repeated pictures or a neglected account.
Solution: review your channels and delete accounts you’re not using. Deleting accounts can be awkward – get in touch if you need help from one of our social media experts!
3. Lack of authenticity
People buy from people. When a potential customer sees a picture of you or your team on your social media accounts, they receive the impression that you’re real and doing a job you love. On the other hand, a logo instead of a photo, an absence of names or lack of personal touch makes your business look automated and inaccessible.
Solution: use pronouns (I, we, us, you), add photos with people in them and introduce some emotion into your posts, e.g. “We are thrilled to be working with…”
4. Ignoring the “social” in social media
Social media is about socialising. Too many businesses just broadcast, either because they don’t know better or because they’re avoiding being drawn into long conversations online. But the most effective way to build a following is to follow back, listen to what others are saying and take time to reply to comments. If all you’re using social media to advertise not network, you’re unlikely to attract new customers or see many conversions.
Solution: allocate a regular time to visit your social media accounts and interact. Search for your industry’s hashtags and join the conversation. Put questions in your posts so people feel moved to reply; avoid questions when you’re replying to comments so your interaction remains manageable.
5. Not dealing with feedback
Gone are the days when you would receive feedback through just one channel. Now happy and unhappy customers alike may get in touch through social media. If a negative comment looks like it has been ignored, it can be very damaging for your business – not only are you tacitly agreeing with the complaint but it’s very bad customer service.
Solution: Remember to reply promptly, especially if it’s a complaint. Your unhappy customer’s feelings are already in the public domain; the best thing you can do is limit the damage and get them back onside with a prompt, polite, professional response.
If you think you are making any of these mistakes, you might benefit from some help from the Get Ahead social media managers. With their wealth of knowledge, creativity and scheduling experience, they can get you back on track. Get in touch on 01483 332 220 to find out more.