10 reasons our Regional Directors love what they do

10 reasons our Regional Directors love what they do

Our Regional Directors are a vital part of the Get Ahead VA family – they run the regional branches across the country, and they bring years of experience, specialist knowledge and enthusiasm to their roles. We’re very lucky that our Regional Director team is growing all the time, so to celebrate Get Ahead VA’s 10th business birthday, we asked them what they love most about being a Regional Director – and they had plenty to say! 

1. Fulfilling a dream  

For many of our RDs, opening a branch of Get Ahead VA has meant fulfilling the lifelong dream of running their own business. For Fiona, RD of Leeds, this is a big part of why she loves what she does: “I love running my own region and making my own decisions about how to grow and develop the business, but with the full support of Rebecca [our founder] and the team.” 

2Being in control 

Our Regional Directors are franchisees, which means that their branch of Get Ahead VA is theirs to run, but they can also draw on the support and resources of the Get Ahead VA brand. Kristy, co-RD of the Berkshire & North Hampshire branch, says, “I love that strong sense of being part of a great team, but with the autonomy to drive your own business to be a success, without the competitive pressures that many organisations have.” 

3Working flexibly 

Our RDs are free to manage their time however they see fit, and many of them love that they are able to fit their work around family and other commitments. Jo, RD of our South Yorkshire branch, says, “I love the flexibility it allows me – I can work around my family and also help others grow their businesses.” 

4. Supporting clients 

Our Regional Directors love the work they do, supporting business owners and building teams of skilled virtual assistants. Fiona says, “I love being able to support our clients and help them to grow their businesses with all of the services we offer.” Suzanne, who runs the Berkshire & North Hampshire branch with Kristy, adds, “We feel passionately about our work – promoting the outsourcing model and providing work opportunities to local freelancers.” 

5. Being part of a team 

Even though we’re spread across the country, Get Ahead VA is still a very close-knit team and the Regional Directors are frequently in touch to share advice and help each other out. This is a part of the work that Fiona particularly enjoys: “I love being part of a bigger team and I enjoy the team morale that Rebecca has encouraged on different platforms and through get-togethers.” 

6Welcoming others 

Being part of this team also means being able to welcome new arrivals and help them make the most of their new business. Fiona says, “I love sharing and celebrating the successes of other people in the team, and welcoming new Regional Directors and offering support to them as they start their journey.” 

7. Working together 

Some of our branches are run by pairs of Regional Directors – amazing partnerships of people who each bring their unique skills to the business. Suzanne says, “I love working with my friend! It took almost 10 years of talking about it to start running a business together, working in a sector we feel passionately about.” Kristy agrees: “I love working not just with a friend but with someone who completely complements your own skills to form a great business partnership.” 

8Working with Rebecca 

Get Ahead VA’s founder, Rebecca Newenham, is a huge inspiration for many of our Regional Directors, and she’s well known for being friendly, welcoming and always willing to help. Our RDs had this to say about working with Rebecca: “I love Rebecca’s energy and attitude towards running her franchise, and the encouraging style she adopts to engage with everyone in the team. Our monthly team meetings and 1-2-1s with Rebecca are great for sharing ideas and successes.” 

9Being part of something bigger 

Each of our Regional Directors is a key part of Get Ahead VA, and while the brand supports them, they also support us by building the reputation of the business across the country. Fiona enjoys this aspect of being a Regional Director: “I love working with an established brand and business model and promoting Get Ahead VA.” 

10. Continuing to grow 

Get Ahead VA opens new branches and welcomes new Regional Directors every year, and we’re always on the lookout for ambitious, business-minded people who are interested in joining the team. If this has given you a taste for what it’s like to be a Regional Director and you’re keen to find out more, check out our franchise website for more details, call us on 01483 332 230, or email office@getaheadva.com. We can’t wait to hear from you! 

Interested in becoming and Franchisee? Call 01483 332 220 to discuss in more detail.