Will you be ‘greendesking’ this summer?
The term ‘hot desking’ has been around for years and we are all familiar with the idea of a temporary or shared desk. For some workers it is their normal way of life. But have you heard of greendesking?
Greendesking basically means working outside. The term appears to have been originally used by The Nature Conservancy in Australia in an effort to get more people outdoors and into nature. It isn’t particularly big in the UK yet, but it is known in other parts of the world. Clearly, the British climate doesn’t always lend itself to working outside, but when the rain does stop then the benefits of working outside are numerous. Looking at green surroundings is more calming than an office wall. Fresh air is better for us than the air-conditioned variety. Working outside can enable us to think more clearly and even improve our short-term memory.
If you are tempted to try a bit of greendesking this summer, here are our top tips:
- Before you head out to that lovely green space, think about the type of work which will be most suited to the environment. Will you need wifi and if so where will you be able to get it? Can you use your smartphone as a wifi hotspot or find a park that has wifi access? Carrying lots of documents with you or balancing books on your lap might not be that practical. Greendesking might be more suited to proof reading, brainstorming of ideas, writing processes or designing presentations. Or simply clearing out your inbox!
- Consider having a meeting outside, or a walking meeting. If you are meeting a client or supplier for lunch, sit outside if you can. Ask if meeting attendees would be happy to walk and talk, giving you exercise as well as fresh air.
- Think about sunglare if taking your laptop with you. Try and sit in the shade if possible so that you avoid any eye strain.
- Don’t forget the sun cream and hat. As well as drink plenty of water if you are working outside and the weather is warm.
- Consider your back. Working outside can be hugely beneficial for the mind – but possibly not so supportive for your body without the right furniture. Sit as upright as possible and take regular breaks to stretch your legs and move your muscles.
- Why not share you greendesking experience on social media using the #greendesking hashtag? You never know who you might connect with.
Greendesking is another example of how our working world has changed. Many of us now work remotely and flexibly, catering to the demands of our lifestyles and our customers. If you think your business could benefit from flexible, remote support then hiring one of our highly experienced virtual assistants could be just the right next step. We love to take on the tasks you don’t have time to do, don’t have the skills to do or simply don’t want to do. We can assist with a wide variety of business and marketing services, from admin to accounting, design to database management and Twitter to telephone answering. Please call 01483 332220 or email office@getaheadva.com to find out more. We pride ourselves on being the staff you don’t see, but the difference you do.