5 unconventional marketing ideas for you to try

Unconventional marketing gets noticed. Most people hit “skip ad” on YouTube, but those same people might watch it to the end if it really caught their eye. That said, going completely over the top can be dangerous – it’s important to keep our marketing under control or we’ll end up promoting the mistake not the product. Fortunately, our marketing VAs know just how far to go. Here are five of their ideas that are unconventional enough to get noticed, and have solid business sense behind them as well.
1. Be authentic
People buy from people, and by presenting your company in personal terms, you should see an increase in the effectiveness of your marketing. At Get Ahead VA, all our monthly emails come from founder Rebecca Newenham, a real, leopard-print-wearing business owner whom our clients can engage with. Our branding is clear, but so are our personalities.
2. Hold a competition on social media
Social media competitions are a great way of increasing engagement and followers. You might choose a product or service to give away, then invite people to follow your page to be in with a chance of winning it. Or you could ask people to share photos of themselves modelling your product and the best one will appear in your marketing literature. Remember, any interaction on social media pushes your posts higher in a user’s news feed, increasing visibility and taking customers closer to conversions.
3. Embrace video
Using video on your website or in email marketing can almost double your conversion rate. When potential customers see your product or service in action, they’ll understand it with a lot more depth than if they had only read about it. They also get to “meet” you – another opportunity for you to be real and authentic in your marketing.
4. Host a free webinar
Webinars are a good opportunity to showcase your business and offer very good value for money. Thanks to the wonders of the internet, unlimited numbers of people can attend from any location in the world. Webinars help establish you as an industry expert. They also give you an opportunity to interact with potential clients, learning from them so you can meet their needs.
5. Sponsorship
Sponsoring an event or charity helps everyone involved. Get Ahead VA are very proud to have become the sponsors of a local football club! The extra funding helps events and charities to run better, and it’s also your chance to increase the visibility of your brand, maybe in a goodie bag, event programme or email header. Branded freebies are useful to those who pick them up and continue to advertise your business even after the event is over. If you don’t believe us, have a rummage through your bags-for-life!
At Get Ahead VA, we believe it pays to think about marketing a little differently. Thinking creatively can show up lots of new ways of connecting with customers and clients. If you feel your business would benefit from some marketing support, unconventional or otherwise, our VAs can help. Get in touch today on 01483 332 220 – we’d love to hear from you.