3 ways for reopening businesses to get back to normal after lockdown
There were mixed feelings among the Get Ahead team last week as schools reopened. While many of us were glad to be able to work without interruptions again, getting back to normal after lockdown is still an upheaval for us all. Fortunately, by being mindful of the change and embracing the new opportunities it brings, owners of “non-essential” businesses can get ready for reopening in April or May and have the successful summer they’ve been hoping for.
- Establish a new routine
Schools reopening affects all of us, whether or not we have children. Parents of school-age children probably experience the biggest impact, but others might be affected by how busy the roads are at school drop off and pick up times. Home learning put pressure on broadband connections – many parents are finding they can work faster now there are fewer people online at home.
Whatever your daily pattern was like during lockdown, it’s probably different now. Take some time to re-evaluate. Look at how long tasks take you and when it’s easiest to do them. Change is always easier when you take positive steps to make it work, rather than just muddling along. Remember that school holidays are nearly upon us again so keep your plans flexible!
- Embrace new opportunities
Post-lockdown is the perfect opportunity to launch something new or do something differently. If social distancing is forcing you drop certain services, take the opportunity to ditch the ones you never liked anyway and improve the ones that remain.
Look for opportunities to support other businesses – the “non-essential” sector has been hard-hit by covid so pulling together has never been more important. Shops and eateries could team up and create exclusive deals to attract new customers, for example.
Some businesses will find themselves reopening in time for the Easter holidays. Leverage this opportunity and create some family-friendly offers.
If your offering has changed or you’re partnered with new organisations, it might be time to review your website too. This interim period between the roadmap announcement and the actual end of lockdown is a great time to update your website – many small businesses have the time, but they also have the promise of reopening.
- Reach out to your clients now
Whatever product or service you offer, you probably advertised your business before you opened. Spring 2021 is no different. Stay ahead of the competition and communicate about your reopening right now. Sadly, not all businesses have survived the pandemic, so customers can’t take it for granted that their favourite café or independent shop will reopen. Use your mailing list, if you have one, to contact your customers. If appropriate, set up a booking system now. If you have always relied on passing trade, a branded poster with details of the reopening will be an asset to your window!
Update your website…or build a new one
Spring 2021 is a great time to review your website. Your business may well be quiet now, but you know you’ll be reopening soon and an updated website will be a worthwhile investment. Our web developers, copywriters and graphic designers can help you improve your website now so you’re ready for business when the time comes. Give us a call on 01483 332 220 to find out more about our web services and other business support.