Get Connected | Basingstoke
Join us for a FREE, social meet up for local business and ‘Get Connected’!
Following on from the success of our inaugural meeting, join us for our next event hosted by Metro Bank, Newbury and welcomed by Get Ahead South. We meet on the second Thursday of each month between 8:30am and 10:00am.
Get Connected is a great way to grow your local business community in a simple, relaxed, informal setting, you make it what you want it to be for you.
Everyone is welcome.
This is not ‘networking’ as you know it.
- It’s FREE
- Drop in at any time between 08:30-10:00
- Stay for as long or short as you like!
- No elevator pitch
- No locking out
- No expectations around visitors or referrals
We’re just simply bringing businesses together to broaden our local business community.